Happy Spring!

Living in New England makes for a loooooooong winter. So the first day of Spring is very exciting around here. Unfortunately, our warm weather festivities will have to wait… the forecast calls for snow this week. We’ve had so much snow, I’m really wondering if my plants will come back and bloom this spring and summer. I noticed yesterday my Cone Hydrangea tree (still a baby, only around 4 years old) was completely crushed by the weight of the snow. Not one single branch left on it, the little trunk in splinters and still surrounded by snow. So, so, so sad, Hydrangeas are my second favorite flowers.

But on the bright side, I noticed today (as I was taking down my Christmas lights-don’t judge!) that my Peonies -my very favorite flowers- are poking through the soggy ground. So until I get to see my pretty little Peonies, I will have to be satisfied by last year’s blooms:

Happy Spring, everyone!